[200q20v] Potential new guy- what should I know?

Rob Deis rdeis at io.com
Mon Aug 14 12:36:42 EDT 2000

Hey, all.  I currently own a 94 Turdo AWD Eagle Talon, which I love.

However, my increasing family has need of a larger car, so I'm in the
wagon market.  Thus far, to 200TQ and Subaru wagons seem to be the only
AWD wagons I can locate in the under 15k price range.

What should I know if I'm considering buying on of these?
Specificly, I'm interested in these:
* How big is the wagon?
* How does it drive/perform?
* How hard/expensive/often is maintainance required.

I'd most likely do all the maintainance myself, but a guess at frequency
and parts cost would be great.  What good points and gotchas should I be
aware of while shopping?

How do you like them in general? (Silly question to the quattro list..)

Thanks a bunch, folks.

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