[200q20v] Re: [audi20v] RE: CQ in NH ??
C1J1Miller at aol.com
C1J1Miller at aol.com
Mon Dec 11 09:57:19 EST 2000
In a message dated Mon, 11 Dec 2000 9:40:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, Peter Schulz <peschulz at cisco.com> writes:
<<I resemble that remark....I was at Toys 'R Us and Home Depot Saturday night
in Nashua.
Although I tend to use the 1991 200 TQW Hoppen stage 1 mit roof racks for
those high speed runs...
Speaking of which - experienced SUV road rage first hand Saturday morning
after having picked up a Christmas Tree and lashing it to the roof of the
TQW. I was returning home and trying to merge onto an on ramp. Since I had
the yield sign and the traffic on the main on ramp was heavy, I had to stop
and wait for an opening.
This didn't sit well with new Mitsu montero sport(Mass hole plates (tm))
driver behind me, who evidently felt the need to exercise his
horn. Excessively.
So, when traffic opened up, I slowly (now I'm irritated) merged onto the on
ramp...He quickly swerved and tried to cut me off from the right
side. Since I had the right of way at this point, and the ramp fork was
rapidly approaching, I punched it...This REALLY irritated him because he
almost didn't make the turn, and would have then been traveling north
instead of south.
At his point, my fatherhood conscious takes hold (baby seat in the back,
but son at home with mom) and I return to mild mannered role and get onto
Rt3 South and mind my own business. Evidently, he isn't done yet and ends
up passing me on the right at about 80 mph, by cutting me off.
Well, lessee... the 2001 Montero sport... "Under the hood is the familiar 3.5-liter V-6. Rated at 200 horsepower and 235 lb-ft of torque, the motor is more than sufficient around town and does its job smoothly, although it's not blazingly quick. In the previous model, 0-60 times hovered just over ten seconds - and the new truck is 111 lb heavier. "
I'd say even with the tree on top, he was outclassed...
next time make him eat guardrail!
yes, I'm joking, discretion...valor... all that stuff.
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