[200q20v] RE:safe steering wheel removal

C1J1Miller at aol.com C1J1Miller at aol.com
Tue Dec 12 23:28:56 EST 2000

In a message dated 12/12/00 11:20:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
JBeer at boosecasey.com writes:

> I need to replace the flasher/wiper stalk switch. Steering wheel needs to
>  come off SAFELY. I can't seem to find an FAQ. Is there a link someone can
>  point me to for directions?  I understand battery disconnect first, then
>  wheel column cover comes off, then pry out horn, disconnect airbag disable
>  switch, and then remove big nut holding on wheel(mark so wheel goes back
>  on). Other than missing a step about removing a screw or bolt, anything
>  obvious so the airbag doesn't deploy?? TIA
>  Regards,
>  Jerry 
>  91 200q20v

Check the bentley manual.  I seem to remember:  
disconnecting the battery does _not_ disable the airbag;
the airbag power wire can be disconnected near the diagnostic connectors in 
the center console.
But, check the manual first.

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