[200q20v] Pancaked 200 Pics

Keith Maddock Keith.Maddock at trw.com
Wed Dec 20 08:24:44 EST 2000

Well I finally got home and dug my crunched 200 out of the snow.  Pics can be seen at 


Damage doesnt seem AS bad as I had originally thought, but looks high dollar to repair.  If you look at the trunk from the right angle, it seems the whole back of the car is bent down a inch or two.  I saw the video of the car under the carport before they removed  it..  The carport basically got "pushed over" such that one of the support posts that was still bearing the weight of the carport was leaning on the trunk.  Then an I-beam from the roof was resting on the roof... Sheesh..  Also looks like the rear c-pillar is displaced inward a little bit..

Insurance company is just getting out today to appriase the car.   U-haul's appraiser came by yesterday while I was digging out the car.. He estimated at the time that it looked like a total.

Fun fun!  More news later.....

Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive
Controls Engineering, Traction Control 
Livonia, MI
(734) 266 - 3971
**In Arvidsjaur Sweden from 12/4-12/18 Office Phone # 46 960 57 862 **
keith.maddock at trw.com

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