[200q20v] Pancaked 200 Pics

Sylvester, Mike Mike.Sylvester at sycamorenet.com
Wed Dec 20 15:33:43 EST 2000

It doesn't show anything after the Salvage title was issued on 8/14/2000.

Mike Sylvester

-----Original Message-----
From: Forhan, Thomas [mailto:Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 2:54 PM
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [200q20v] Pancaked 200 Pics

This looks very similar to my old '90 200 that backed down a hill and hit a

The biggest problem for us was that - like your car- the rear was pushed
down an inch or two.  Totalled without getting a bodyshop to look at it.  If
anyone has an open carfax account they can check WAUHD5445LN076870  to see
if it was rebuilt anyway...!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Maddock [mailto:Keith.Maddock at trw.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 11:25 AM
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Cc: Keith Maddock
> Subject: [200q20v] Pancaked 200 Pics
> Well I finally got home and dug my crunched 200 out of the 
> snow.  Pics can be seen at 
> http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/keithmaddock?d&.flabel=fld5&.src=ph 
> Damage doesnt seem AS bad as I had originally thought, but 
> looks high dollar to repair.  If you look at the trunk from 
> the right angle, it seems the whole back of the car is bent 
> down a inch or two.  I saw the video of the car under the 
> carport before they removed  it..  The carport basically got 
> "pushed over" such that one of the support posts that was 
> still bearing the weight of the carport was leaning on the 
> trunk.  Then an I-beam from the roof was resting on the 
> roof... Sheesh..  Also looks like the rear c-pillar is 
> displaced inward a little bit..
> Insurance company is just getting out today to appriase the 
> car.   U-haul's appraiser came by yesterday while I was 
> digging out the car.. He estimated at the time that it looked 
> like a total.
> Fun fun!  More news later.....
> **********************************************
> Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive
> Controls Engineering, Traction Control 
> Livonia, MI
> (734) 266 - 3971
> **In Arvidsjaur Sweden from 12/4-12/18 Office Phone # 46 960 57 862 **
> keith.maddock at trw.com
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