[200q20v] H4 lamp retaining collar broken

Glen Dustin Powell gpowell at ennovatenetworks.com
Thu Dec 28 15:02:18 EST 2000

Ah, but yes...

The cold weather is with us now big-time as are frequent blown headlight
bulbs (due to thermal shock?). Lost a H4 80/100 on the PS. Just replaced the
DS H3 100W last week! Tried in the parking lot yesterday pm after werk and
again down at the shop last night and just could not remove the little bulb
retaining collar. That plastic piece with the two little white plastic
handles on it is cracked  through and I cannot get enough purchase on it to
twist it off.....  Looks like I might (will) be pulling the whole headlight
assy out of the car this weekend out in the sno/cold just to swap in a new
H4 80/100. Sure would be nice to install a replacement collar while I have
the light assy out of the car...... little chance of _that_ happening!
Anyone know of a source for this part?



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