[200q20v] Re: T-giving play and some notes...

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Nov 27 14:02:25 EST 2000

At 12:25 PM 11/27/2000 -0500, QSHIPQ at aol.com wrote:

>All for now, looking forward to next weekend when the dual locker
>conversioned 83 goes to northern MI with it's upped "rally" suspension and
>real snows....
>'875ktqw - Pearl Black
>'84 Urq - Tornado
>'83 Urq - Amazon
There might even be some snow on N. MI roads again by next weekend.  You'd 
have been driving in the rain here yesterday or on dry roads 
Saturday.  Supposed to cool off and snow again Wednesday or 
Thursday.  Where're you headed?

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