[200q20v] Fall Fun Run 2000, October 22nd in N. CT - initial announcement

Brett Dikeman quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net
Thu Oct 12 16:39:03 EDT 2000

Greetings all,
	Setting the world record for procrastination in club event 
planning, I'm organizing a Fun Run/Fall Foliage tour with assistance 
from Jon Linkov, sponsored by the Quattro Club of America.  Yhea, 
we're a little behind the ball(my fault!), but I think we've got some 
great stuff we'll be able to throw together for QCUSA members and 
qlisters alike!  We're shooting for about a week and a half from now, 
specifically, Sunday, the 22nd.  This is -not- final but I would 
suggest penciling us into your calendars!
	This fun run will start early in the morning, so get to bed 
early and have that coffee mug handy!  We're planning on meeting at 
AutoFirme, in Amenia, CT; AutoFirme is the shop of Greg Haymann, a 
rally driver and well known, trusted quattro mechanic(his brother 
also owns+operates a body shop in the same building.)  Greg is also 
graciously providing the route for our journey through CT back roads; 
we'll be following a road-rally route he recommends.  Once we meet, 
we'll proceed en mass to breakfast/coffee(late risers may join us at 
the diner if they so desire); then we'll start off.  We may do a 
"brown bag" lunch at a nice stopping place; we'll clarify on this 
once we have the route finalized.
	I'll try to have qlist stickers on hand for sale, will accept 
donations to the list, and maybe raffle off a pair of qlist stickers 
to boot.  Yes, QCUSA membership forms will be available too.  We'll 
collect a small donation from each car, in the amount of your 
choosing($5 is suggested); all proceeds will go to the Make A Wish 
Foundation, Audi's chosen charity at many events.
	The purpose of the drive will be enjoying some good 
back-country roads and their scenery and socializing; we hope to see 
friends, new and old.  Families are encouraged to attend and we'll 
make an effort to make the event family-friendly(we draw the line at 
"stopping to look at the moo-cows", however :-) The speed limit will 
be adhered to; this event will -not- be a "high speed run", and 
drivers are asked to pilot their vehicles with care and courtesy to 
both the general public and fellow attendees.   Depending upon 
numbers, cars will most likely be broken into small groups.  Many 
listers/club members have found Talkabout radios handy and you're 
welcome to bring yours along(channel 4, security code 4.)  They can 
also be bought at a variety of online stores and outdoor suppliers.
	To involve those who can't necessarily commit to a 
most-of-the-day event but still want to hang out and say howdy, we'll 
provide day-of-event contact numbers(though cell coverage in that 
area is -VERY- weak), and locations we hope to stop at for breakfast 
and lunch.  Please get in touch with us -before- the event if at all 
	We're high on hopes but low on specifics(like exact meeting 
time), so keep yer highbeams on and eyeballs peeled for an email Real 
Soon Now; look for the subject "QCUSA Fun Run 2000" on your favorite 
list.  We're hoping to make as much info available on the web as soon 
as possible, if nothing more than a "check back in a bit" page.  Jon 
has said that we can put something up on the QCUSA site 
(http://www.quattroclubusa.org/), so you may want to keep an eye on 
there for something from us.
	Our only concern is that club members won't find out soon 
enough to participate, so please help us spread word to any friends 
you may have who are QCUSA members but not list members.  We may also 
extend invitations to dealers in the NE area to send any enthusiast 
staffers they may have; we hope to build stronger ties between 
serious enthusiasts and dealerships(dealers will be advised to keep a 
low profile sales-wise, so don't worry about getting "windshield 
wiper spam" or the like :-), and we believe that if we make 
enthusiasts out of dealers, the marque can only benefit as a result. 
If you've come across any particularly lister/club-member friendly 
dealer and would like to recommend we give them a holler, feel free.
	If you have comments in general, suggestions for good, 
family-friendly stop-offs in the Northwest CT corner...or what have 
you, please email myself, Jon Linkov, or Steve Earley; we're looking 
for feedback and suggestions.  All correspondence on the above should 
be sent to us directly.

---If you are interested in attending, PLEASE let us know ASAP and 
let us know where+when to ---
---expect you(ie, "I'll be there at the shop, but I'll probably be 
too tired to hang out and do dinner"---
---etc. etc.- this will help us gauge numbers.  When we get closer to 
the event, we'll have to ask that---
	---people RSVP so we know who to look for at the shop, the 
diner, lunch, etc.---

Contacts- 	Brett Dikeman- brett at iclick.com	Jon Linkov- 
njconn at email.msn.com
Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
CFN(formerly iClick, Inc)			914-872-8043
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			914-872-8100(fax)
White Plains, NY 10605			http://www.iclick.com
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