[200q20v] Boost

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Mon Oct 16 23:04:30 EDT 2000

At 5:57 PM -0400 10/16/00, Brian.Link at Level3.com wrote:
>For people with chipped cars,
>Does your boost taper back down above certain RPM?

I'm not sure, Brian. My courage  definitely tapers back down above a
certain RPM, and I've been too timid to study the boost gauge  at much
beyond 5-5500 rpm.  :-)

 The gauge needle starts to flutter by around 4000 (in 4th gear), but I
haven't noticed the average value drop ('till I back off). It reaches about
17-18 psi max.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *


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