[200q20v] FW: RE: HELP with intermittent speedo and cruise control

Brett Dikeman brett at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net
Tue Oct 17 18:51:31 EDT 2000

At 12:19 PM -0400 10/17/00, Richard E. Berlin wrote:

>  Any
>consensus on optimal summer tire size??

This is about the equivalent of asking, "What is the best car color?" 
or "what is the best kind of rims to get?"

www.tirerack.com, use their customer survey features; you can see all 
sorts of charts from thousands of collected surveys; you'll find 
enough numbers there to make a college-level statistics-101 class 
happy for weeks.

  As I said on the main list last night:

<<<www.tirerack.com has a good guide and lots of customer ratings. 
Keep in mind the application and audience when reading a set of 
numbers.  Those who drive sports cars will probably be more 
opinionated(but not necessarily more correct) when evaluating things 
like "handling.">>>

if that makes any sense.

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
CFN(formerly iClick, Inc)			914-872-8043
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			914-872-8100(fax)
White Plains, NY 10605			http://www.iclick.com
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