[200q20v] speakahs

Brett Dikeman brett at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net
Sun Oct 22 02:15:44 EDT 2000

Just finished replacing+testing my "new" rear speakers courtesy of Neil.

I must say, that for the few minutes while all four speakers were 
working, I was absolutely floored when I hit a station that was in 
perfect tune, playing a song that had some excellent engineering. 
The result was astonishing; I truly felt like I was -surrounded- by 
sound.  It's an experience I only get from an excellent pair of 
speakers, positioned perfectly, with my head in just the right sweet 
spot.  I know it when I hit it...and the system hit it.

Of course, about 2-3 minutes later, the left front speaker, which has 
been on the fritz, conked out, so I had slightly less than a perfect 
effect...but that's okay.  Phish's Twist sounded absolutely 
phenomenal with the woofers functioning perfectly.

I have a rattle in the right front under heavy, deep, constant 
bass(such as in the soundtrack to Riven, which is also impressive 
with lots of bass) that I have to sort out; Neil has suggested I 
verify that all screws(he says there are -many-) are all tight.  The 
unit is secured, he reports, to the door and NOT the door panel(which 
is very good news; that wasn't the case on my old 5000, which despite 
having pretty okay balanced sound from the 10 speakers, couldn't 
muster any sort of bass without the panels setting up a vibration of 
almost frightening proportions.)

PS: check the web 
page(http://www.quattroclubusa.org/events/ne_fun_run.html) to see 
where the fall run will be when/where tomorrow.  We're going all 
around the middle of NE for most of the day, we're going to be close 
I'm sure to at least a few of you.  I hope at least a FEW of you will 
try and meet up with us :-)  The weather is supposed to be PERFECT 
for tomorrow.  As Neil put it, "Turbo weather."
Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
CFN(formerly iClick, Inc)			914-872-8043
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			914-872-8100(fax)
White Plains, NY 10605			http://www.iclick.com
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