[200q20v] power steering hose (rebuilding) question
Chi L. Wong
montesawong at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 23 09:32:24 EDT 2000
I had that hose rebuilt too. The guy that rebuilt it
made a point to:
1) make the hose too short (something about the inner
tubing made him misjudge)
2) put the ends on at a wrong angle, forcing me to
twist the hose to screw it down on the pump....
caveat: Don't twist the hose when installing the new
one. It will burst, btdt.
In the quest to replace this hose inexpensively I
ended up doing it 2.5 times in 3 days and wasting more
of my valuable time than I saved on the price of an
oem hose and lots of pentosin.
I have vowed to go oem next time around.
Incidentally, I do notice a slight groan at parking
lot speeds but only if the radio is off.
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