[200q20v] euros FS... Re: source for eurolights

JordanVw at aol.com JordanVw at aol.com
Tue Sep 5 00:35:06 EDT 2000

In a message dated 9/4/00 8:23:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, malth at umich.edu 

<< What's a good source for euros for my 200q20v? 
 Anybody have any used ones in good shape?

i have some new ones from metrix, and the whole wiring harness from Blau, 
that i never installed.  i will sell the whole shebang for what i paid for 
it. $775. takes it all. (about $600 for the lights, plus customs and 
shipping, and $150 or so for the harness and shipping, and $20 for the 
hi-watt H4 bulbs)  (lights, H4 hi watt bulbs, and plug -n- play harness 
everything you need to install, and no hassles w/ customs!!)
if i dont sell it, one of these days i'll put  it on my car.. 
'86 5kT

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