[200q20v] Powerslots - huh ?

Keith Maddock Keith.Maddock at trw.com
Wed Sep 6 12:19:26 EDT 2000

My bad...  They *are* ATE PowerDiscs.. the ones with the machined slots in kind of a "atomic pattern".  Took a couple tries to get the right ones, Chris Braden at Munk's Motors got them for me.  My car has the front struts/brakes off of a 93 100CS Quattro Avant.   I originally ordered pads/rotors from Blau , and they list the same pads and rotors for all the 92-96 100's.  So I get these.. and the pads are for the ATE single piston calipers, and the rotors are about 1/4" too large in diameter.  I sent them back to Blau and contacted Chris.  Did some research, ended up on the Mintex website, and it turns out quattro avants in 93 and 94 had a unique G60 front brake package... (as opposed to the ATE brakes on all the other 100's)  He ended up ordering rotors for the "Audi Turbo" aka the 5000 from 84-88? and they worked fine.  He'd be more than happy to sell you some .. 
Chris Braden, Munk's Motors, (248) 681-8081  , www.munks.com 
approx 83.58 / peice + 20-30 for shipping?  give him a call to confirm


steve_scalmanini at agilent.com on Tue, 5 Sep 2000 wrote:

What're "powerslots" for G60s and where'd you get 'em. 
I'm looking for something better'n plain discs & Ate 
Power Discs still aren't made for G60s AFAIK. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Maddock [mailto:Keith.Maddock at trw.com]

... G60's with powerslots ...

Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive
Controls Engineering, Traction Control 
Livonia, MI
(734) 266 - 3971
keith.maddock at trw.com

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