[200q20v] Re: ECU for 200 20v poor??

George Sidman sidman at montereynet.net
Mon Sep 18 10:39:07 EDT 2000

On the other hand, this car could be a very good deal. Look
at the service documents. Was this work done by a qualified
Audi shop? If not, would they know that the dash PC board
connectors produce these dash light symptoms, not the ECU.
Did the car run well, with full boost, in spite of the dash
light issues? 

Why did they do three brake jobs? Sounds like the shop may
have been churning the owner instead of fixing the problem.
Brakes are not that tough to diagnose and repair. As a
former Alfa nut myself, I can assure that what you have
described is trivial to deal with, and if you can confirm
that the present owner was suckered, then you might be able
to quickly bring this car up to snuff. These problems and
the fixes are very well described on this list by dedicated,
competent, and unselfish folks. With a little work, you
might have a very nice 200TQ.
George Sidman, President
Nousoft, Inc.   -   Monterey Network Center
www.nousoft.com  -  www.montereynet.net
sidman at montereynet.net
9701 Blue Larkspur Lane
Monterey, CA  93940
831 657-1510

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