[200q20v] 996 Turbo TBV, where to buy?

Sylvester, Mike Mike.Sylvester at sycamorenet.com
Fri Sep 22 09:06:04 EDT 2000

I may be wrong here.  I think the part I ordered is from a 993.
I received mine yesterday and it is plastic.
The 996 part could be metal.

It looks the same at the Audi part, although I have not compared them side
by side.

Mike Sylvester

-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvester, Mike [mailto:Mike.Sylvester at sycamorenet.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 6:39 PM
To: 'Brett Dikeman'; '200q20v at audifans.com'
Subject: RE: [200q20v] 996 Turbo TBV, where to buy?

I just ordered one of these from MAC.  He told me that one just arrived for
another customer and it was NOT metal.

BTW the Porsche part is cheaper.

Mike Sylvester

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:brett at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 5:43 PM
To: Mark Trank; 'Joseph Vanzeipel'
Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [200q20v] 996 Turbo TBV, where to buy?

Yes.  Clair Parts in MA has it.  Ask for Mac, he does qlist business, 
offers a discount.

At 4:45 PM -0400 9/21/00, Mark Trank wrote:
>Are the two parts interchangeable?

>  >Porsche makes a metal replacement valve that costs about the same.
>>Call any Porsche parts place and ask for a TBV for a 996 twin turbo.
>>It's substantially more durable.
>Does anyone know the best website to order one from?  My TBV is on it's
>legs, and I really, REALLY need an excuse to put a part from a 996 turbo in
>my car.
Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
CFN(formerly iClick, Inc)			914-872-8043
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			914-872-8100(fax)
White Plains, NY 10605			http://www.iclick.com
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