[200q20v] Re: New Windshield Tip

George Sidman sidman at montereynet.net
Fri Apr 6 11:11:19 EDT 2001

I noticed in Bentley that moving the car for 24 hours after
new glass has been installed is a no-no. I went through this
on my Volvo 1800 and a Jag, and had to hassle with the glass
guy endlessly. When I drove the Jag from the shop parking
lot to the street, over a standard driveway, I actually
heard the sealant coming loose as the body flexed. A little
research revealed that the glass shops are told by the
sealant mfrs. that full cure takes more than 8 hours, in
spite of recent product breakthroughs. The shearing forces
at work in a flexing body are very high and will tear the
bond loose. 

So, when time came to replace the glass in my 200 TQW, I
asked the glass shop to keep the car over night, and I
picked it up late the next afternoon. That was 120,000 miles
ago, and all has been perfect.......
George Sidman, President
Nousoft, Inc.   -   Monterey Network Center
www.nousoft.com  -  www.montereynet.net
sidman at montereynet.net
9701 Blue Larkspur Lane
Monterey, CA  93940
831 657-1510

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