[200q20v] Wheel repair

martinkuetzing at att.net martinkuetzing at att.net
Thu Apr 12 18:27:58 EDT 2001

I have two sets of original 15" BBS wheels for my 
200q20v & have had both sets refinished.

One shop - here in San Diego - did one set.  They did a 
superb job of cleaning up the pitting, and repainting 
the basket-weave area.  Then they clear-coated 
the "bare" edges of the rim.  These rims have been back 
twice, as the clear-coat always peeled off in a month or 

The last time, I went back, the first shop had sold out 
to another place, also in San Diego - Hub Cab Annie - 
some sort of national franchise.  I decided to leave the 
first set alone - ie, let the clear coat peel off & stay 
off.  For the second set, I let - mistakenly - HCA 
recondition the wheels.  They charged extra to have the 
anodizing removed from the wheel lips & then polished 
them to a mirror finish.  The mirror finish acutally 
looks sharp, but this second shop didn't know how to 
spray silver paint - the basket-weave looks real 

Moral - if you want something done well, you need to 
really research the place & be prepared to pay.  My 
guess is around $150/wheel to have a BBS type done right.

clip ...

> Nah, I think the rim lips are machined then _anodized_; that's what makes them a 
> bit more difficult to refinish. 
> Machining is easy, and any good wheel repair shop can do that.  They could also 
> just machine polish for the same effect.
> Chris

clip ...

> The ridges are basically what makes the rim look reflective, but not
> racer-boy-chrome-like :-)
> Brett

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