[200q20v] Mine no longer stalls

Vztante at aol.com Vztante at aol.com
Wed Apr 18 17:11:13 EDT 2001

I piped in a while back about how my car was also stalling, typically as I 
slowed for a stop.  It happened once every time I drove for about a week, and 
then tapered off to every other time for a few days.  The last week has been 
completely stall-free!

I asked my mechanic about this when the problem began, and he said that it 
most likely had to do with the transition from winter to spring gas.  At 
least here in Oregon, the fuel mixture is altered beginning either in April 
or March.  Something about oxygen content, IIRC. They suggested that I drive 
it for another 200 miles to see if it would improve, rather than replacing 
the bypass valve at that time. Every year at this time they receive calls 
from customers with the same issue.

I'll let you all know if it starts to stall again, but for now, I think the 
gas might have been the culprit.  

Mitch Frey
'00 A6 2.7t
'91 200tq20v IA Stage 3

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