[200q20v] RE: [s-cars] Re: [BIRA] 3pt Seatbelt harness

Ian Duff (Ultranet) iduff at ma.ultranet.com
Wed Apr 25 17:05:58 EDT 2001

Try www.eaa.org. Sport Aviation is the periodical of the Experimental
Aircraft Association. I'm trying to dredge up some better data on the tests
I cited.
-Ian Duff.
-----Original Message-----
From: Theodore Chen [mailto:tedebearp at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 25 April, 2001 3:29 PM
To: Ian Duff (Ultranet); JShadzi at aol.com; s-car-list at yahoogroups.com;
200q20v at audifans.com; birabrakes at yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: [BIRA] 3pt Seatbelt harness

> Also, the FAA and EAA did some studies a while ago WRT to the angle of
> between the shoulder and their anchor points. This was of particular
> interest to homebuilders of aircraft, especially those building aircraft
> with bubble canopies where fixing the shoulder belt attach point higher
> the shoulders is not a viable option. They tested frontal and rollover
> events, with instrumented crash test dummies, and discovered that spinal
> compression was independent of the included angle of the shoulder belts.
> This testing was all done years ago, and documented in Sport Aviation.
> is all from my CRS-addled memory, meaning take it all with a grain of
> and verify before you make any decisions based on my little note here.

by the way, i tried to check http://www.sportaviation.com/ but it
appears to have been hacked.


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