[200q20v] Whooshing noise- need help

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Aug 23 23:53:08 EDT 2001

To "really" check the MM hose, you need to remove it and squeeze it between 
your palms.  The wire helps hide cracks in the hose.  A tear would reduce 
boost to zip, I believe.  If MM's ok you also want to check the lower hose 
to the intercooler.

At 10:07 PM 08/23/2001 -0400, TM wrote:

>My car developed a "whooshing" sound that sounds an awful lot like
>a big, relatively quiet vacuum cleaner and correspondingly, I can't
>develop much boost.
>Inspection of the ECU line shows that the line is still solidly connected.
>I found quite a bit of oil underneath the throttle body hose (Michelin Man
>I guess I'll see tomorrow with daylight whether the hose is torn.
>What kind of boost would I see with a torn Michelin Man hose?
>Does this sound like I'm on track? I also inspected the bypass valve hoses
>which appear to be fine.
>Looks like I'll find out how much these hoses are from the dealership
>and if it's astronomical, I'll get the Samco hoses from Euro-Car, if they
>in stock.
>'91 200q
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