[200q20v] Ehgartner

CL Wong montesawong at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 25 20:41:20 EDT 2001

The plain grill on this car is really nice.

The tail lights are not V8 lights, they seem too dark
to be US legal (and I'm the guy that spray tinted the
amber part of my tail lights).

--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Greg J,
> I've been in contact with Thomas Ehgartner via
> email.
> He sells them, I believe, along with some other
> choice bits.
> If there is interest in getting this or some sets of
> V8 all-red
> taillights, let me know- I'm willing to coordinate a
> group buy.
> Taka
> '91 200q

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