[audi20v] Re: [200q20v] intercooler

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Sun Dec 2 18:33:20 EST 2001

None yet, but it looks just like a 5K or 200 IC with a joint in the middle
of a 28" long core with modified 5K end headers.

A more important consideration is where are you going to mount your IC and
associated plumbing.  The RS2 IC requires scrapping the aux rad, which I
didn't want to do.  The CQ has a little more low mounting space behind and
under the bumper than does the 90.


> From: SigDesign at aol.com
> Reply-To: SigDesign at aol.com
> Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 18:24:12 EST
> To: "Audi 20V" <audi20v at rennlist.org>
> Subject: [audi20v] Re: [200q20v] intercooler
> Bernie,
> Do have you have any pictures of the final product. I am very interested
> since I am in the process of "3Bing" my spare 7A engine and was considering
> the RS2 intercooler.
> Thanks,
> Mark
> '90 CQ (199k mile project car)
> ---
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