[200q20v] chip question

Gene Caldwell gene.ghc at verizon.net
Tue Dec 4 01:09:44 EST 2001

Chris Covington wrote:
> I'm just looking for numbers that's all, I'm glad to see they are
> significant (I'm not sure about the full second in the 1/4 from only a
> chip though).  Thanks Claus, Calvin, et al.
> Chris
> '91 200q20v

The only quantitative measure I have is some handheld stopwatch
timings.  I did 2-3 runs across the same road segment, then averaged the
times.  The variation between runs was not too great, about +/- 0.1sec,
which I took as a modest validation of my technique.  My speedo is not
calibrated, so differences between configurations are more notable than
the absolute numbers.

speed in mph, times in seconds
  3rd gear roll-on    !
      ! 40-60 ! 50-70 !
stock ! 5.08  ! 5.80  !
IA3+  ! 3.58  ! 3.65  !

..and at a later date, on a different road segment (and different
atmospheric conditions), after I got the Lehmann ECU:

    3rd gear roll-on          !
          ! 30-50  ! 50-70mph !
Lehmann 1 !  3.59  !   4.10   !
IA 3+     !  3.69  !   3.42   !

a pair of 200q20v sedans

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