[200q20v] Salem, Or. Audi Fan.

rosezimm rosezimm at msn.com
Sat Dec 15 07:22:49 EST 2001

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Happy Holidays to the "Audifans" membership. :o]

My wife and I have recently moved to Salem, Or. and I wonder if anyone else=
 lives in this area that can offer assistance with the names/address of a "=
Reputable" shop where we can take our '90 (non Q) 200 ??  We used to live i=
n SE Washington State and there was ONLY one shop where we could take our b=
eauty (Pearlescent White/Black with only 100K),,,,, but these guys were "ri=
p-off" artists and had no respect for these unique cars and the adoration w=
e have for them.  Perhaps fine folks who belong to these AUDI groups had/ha=
ve,, the very same challenges which is why many - if not MOST - of you have=
 learned what you have about "self maintenance" and have started these wond=
erful "self help" On-Line Communities.
I have been avid fan of muscle cars for years, being from the "baby-boomer"=
 generation I'm not half bad at twisting wrenches on those relatively simpl=
e (compared to AUDI's !!) cars.   I am constantly amazed at the knowledge y=
ou all have about these AUDI's and read each and every message you guys pos=
t for the sharing of knowledge among yourselves.  My problem is - half of t=
hem I have no idea what-so-ever what the heck your talk'n bout ! :o]  HA,, =
but I've purchased a couple of Chilton's Manuals and read, read, read.  We'=
ve had our AUDI since '93 and have no intentions what-so-ever about letting=
 go of it,, especially since the declared value of these cars is so ridicul=
ously low !   HMMMMM,, perhaps the value has something to do with the fact =
that few mechanics and techs are willing to learn the idiosincricies these =
cars have, or are willing to learn how to perform troubleshooting and repai=
rs ??  Do you agree ?
Thank You all for your willingness to share your knowledge.
Have a Super Holiday season,
J. Zimmerman - alias - QuickDeuce  (our 9 sec. ProStreet Nova had vanity pl=
ates - QCKDUCE)

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