[200q20v] Was: 282 BHP 3B ECUs from Europe OOPS, wrong MPG :(

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Sun Dec 30 23:45:31 EST 2001

Sorry guys but I've reworked out my liters/100 kms to MPG conversion and
I've indeed made a mistake....actually the right number at 90 mph is 30
mpg...and 16 mpg in very spirited-abusive driving

Sorry for the mistake but maths are difficult at 11 p.m. :))))

Now if you still want me to scientifically prove the 30 mpg at 90 mph, tell
me how to do it and I'll do it for I didn't believe this either when my
friend told me the fuel consumption figures 6 months ago....


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