[200q20v] what a feeling - tire size

copley one copley at snet.net
Thu Feb 1 15:39:04 EST 2001

oh, what a feeling to be back on 16 inch wheels again.

switching to the Nokias (NRW-H) for the winter is such a pleasant
experience. Sure, I can't make Turn 1 at the Glen, but other than that I
can't think of a single reason why i like the 17's better. The Nokias on
the stock Avus are a nice combination, and even when moderately
challenged (off ramp/on ramp) they really shine.

I think that once I chunk up the Potenzas on my 17's I'll get a
dedicated track tire for the 17's and leave the 16's on for daily

I realize it sounds a little wimpy, but the lousy roads around here -
not to mention the troughs on the highways - makes the 245-17's a
handful for daily travel.

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