[200q20v] 200Q 20V Pre-Delivery Jitters

digital leopard digitaleopard at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 1 23:48:29 EST 2001

Hmmm-If you're living in a high-altitude area (such as Denver) should you 
still be seeing 1.8 Bar on the boost gauge?  I'm only seeing 1.6 Bar, but I 
assumed that was due to the 5000+ foot altitude here.

Ron Merrell
91 200TQ


Message: 4Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 07:14:25 -0800
From: Wolff <wolff at turboquattro.com>
Subject: Re: [200q20v] 200Q 20V Pre-Delivery Jitters
To: Tomsaudi at aol.com, 200q20v at audifans.com
Here is my experience with the UFO brakes:
The boost gauge is part of the trip computer. Use the buttons on the end of 
the wiper stalk to switch to boost. There is a small triangular curser that 
should point to "bar" in the display. With the ignition on, but motor not 
running it should show 1.0. When you are driving and floor it, the gauge 
should zip up to 1.7 or 1.8.
Note: if you floor it in first or second, it should go like stink and 
basically, you will have no chance to look at the gauge :-)  Find a hill and 
watch the gauge when you nail it in 3rd. Above 2,000 RPM it should spool up 
to 1.8.HTH,Wolff Also, I would feel more comfortable with 4 worn tires that 
2 new and 2 old, unless the new tires are the same brand, model, and size as 
the old tires. Mixing tire sizes/brands on a torsen equiped car can wear the 
center differential prematurely. I don't know how big the difference in tire 
size would have to be to cause this problem, but I wouldn't risk it for the 
cost of a new set of tires. Also, you want some decent tires. H rated are 
OK, if you obey the speed limit, but consider that the car can go 150 mph 
and is heavier than an econobox.
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