Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Fri Feb 2 13:10:38 EST 2001


I will be happy to loan one of these plastic seats to you.  My only
aprehension is, are they still available?  But then, if not you'll just have
to remove it from your car and return it.  I won't be needing it for months.
You know upgrade projects, long on talk, short on effort!
Where do I ship it to?

Bernie Benz
1265 Old Foothill Road
Gardnerville, NV 89410

> From: "Derek Pulvino" <DPulvino at agraus.com>
> Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 11:19:16 -0800
> To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Subject: [200q20v] EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY!
> Hey all, 
> I'm wondering if anybody has any access to, or suggestions on getting a
> plastic fuel injector seat for our vehicle.  After taking off my intake
> manifold to do the distributor on my car, decided to check and see if I had
> o-rings under the seats on my vehicle.  Well, I can report no o-ring there as
> per Bernie's experience, but unfortunately, in my efforts I lost a bit of my
> faculties, and wound up turning a seat the wrong way, and well, it broke.
> I've contacted the local dealer to get a new one, but it's now been two weeks,
> and I'm nowhere.  First part I got from one dealership was the wrong piece in
> a bag with the correct part number, the second piece was the same story.  So
> the conclusion we've come to is all of these parts are incorrectly labeled,
> and it's going to require an act of god to get the right part in order to get
> my car going by my goal of next Tuesday.
> Anybody have an extra seat around that they want swap until the part comes in
> from Audi, or have a good idea on where to find one?
> If ones available, I'll gladly pay rush shipping charges to get the piece in
> my greasy, dirty little hands (I've been working on the car quite a bit
> lately).
> Derek P
> Kirkland Wa.
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