[200q20v] Steering Wheel Squeak

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Feb 4 15:49:19 EST 2001

Isn't this the horn ring contact scratching on the ring?  I seem to recall 
putting a little dielectric grease on the ring on the 5K to stop a 
high-pitched (chalk on a blackboard type) squeak that occurred when the 
wheel turned.  Haven't had an airbag wheel off yet (waiting for a new light 
switch for my wife's V8), but I've been told the airbag is disabled as long 
as the ignition is off.  Can anyone confirm that?

At 03:26 PM 02/04/2001 -0500, Phil & Judy Rose wrote:

>At 1:47 PM -0600 2/4/01, Dale McCormack wrote:
>>Small item for inquiring "the wisdom of the list", but it's driving me
>>On a previous Audi I had (87 5Kq), a squeak developed when my hands
>>rested on the steering wheel and it was turned, especially if it was a
>>subtle movement. It wasn't too hard to correct as the wheel was easily
>>An identical noise problem has developed on my two airbag equipped
>>200's. I can turn the steering wheel without no noise, but when the
>>weight of my hands rest (not push) on the wheel a squeak is annoyingly
>>audible and virtually always present.  The noise seems to come from
>>beneath the horn/airbag unit. Question: What causes it and can it be 
>>corrected w/o removing the
>>steering wheel (and ensuing airbag complications)?  If not, what's the
>>technique for NOT detonating the unit and having an explosion accompany
>>the squeak?
>My steering wheel will squeak for a brief period if (and only if) the car 
>has been left outdoors and the overnight temps have dropped well below 
>freezing (as in 20 F and lower). The squeak vanishes as soon as the car's 
>interior warms up a bit. Hasn't yet persisted long enough to attempt a 
>cure. Have you searched Chris Miller's website yet?
>*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
>*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       * 
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