[200q20v] RE: [s-cars] Strut braces, here we go again!

auditude at neta.com auditude at neta.com
Mon Feb 5 19:48:11 EST 2001

Isn't the design of the Jamex curvy Type 85 strut brace such that it 
rests directly against those metal cups at the top of the strut 
assembly?  I have one but it's all put away.


On 5 Feb 2001, at 14:17, Kaklikian, Gary wrote:

> So has anyone designed a stiffer upper strut bushing for the type 44's,
> C4's, etc?
> The factory blue bushing for the UrQ is generally regarded as the best
> available for the smaller chassis cars, although a company called
> Novatechnik designed an aluminum unit with a spherical joint for rally use.
> But, their web site is down and I have not been able to reach them.
> The shop that aligns my 4000TQ concurs with you Bernie. They told me the
> tower-to-tower brace I have is not very effective, that the primary source
> of deflection is the upper strut bushing.

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