[200q20v] Re: 200q20v Intro

Greg Johnson gregsj at iea.com
Mon Feb 5 19:44:15 EST 2001

> "David Priebe" <dpriebe at dpriebe.seanet.com>, wrote in part
> I wanted to write an e-mail to introduce myself to the list and to ask a
> couple of questions. As of a week ago I am the proud owner of a '91 200q
> wagon.

What colors?

> The brakes aren't the original UFOs, but something else that was
> installed by the dealer before the previous owner purchased it (June of
> '91). The PO didn't know what the dealer had installed and I haven't had a
> chance to pull the front wheels off yet, but I'm assuming it has the Girling
> G60s. I haven't been too impressed with their stopping so far, so I might be
> looking at upgrading to the BIRA, some other system or at least putting some
> slotted rotors on.

IMHO, the G60's are not enough brake for this car.  We're (BIRA) testing a system right now that will put a big smile on your face.  If you let me know where in SeaWA you are, the next time I'm over your way, we can figure out a mutually convenient place to meet; I'll let you drive them and you can draw your own conclusions.

> Other things I need to change include getting rid of the
> Panasonic tape deck. The PO mentioned there is an amplifier under the rear
> seat which is not being used by the current head unit. I'm assuming that the
> rear speakers in the wagon are different than the self-igniting units in the
> sedan.

ID the amp, head to a shop and see what might fit.  I like Magnolia Hi-Fi.  BTW, I fit some subs behind the panel in the left rear.

> Now some questions:
> The front windshield has fogged up suddenly twice now. Once when it was
> humid (rainy) and once when it was dry. Both times it was fairly cold out.
> This sounds like to recirculation flap spring that is mentioned on Chris
> Miller's site. If thats the case it sounds like I need to get the
> replacement spring and pull the glove box out to get to the flap. How long
> would this take for a newbie? It sounds like a contortionist exercise.

Sure sounds like the recirc flap.  I've not done this job myself, but need it done in my two previous cars

> The rear hatch doesn't stay up. The previous owner included a dowl with the
> car to hold it up. He said that he had replaced the cartridges once before,
> but they still didn't hold the hatch up. He said it works fine in the
> summer, but when its colder they don't work. Any thoughts? The Parts
> Connection has these on sale this week.

I still think its the cartridges, how long ago did the PO replace them?

> Also I don't have the Bentley yet. I'm waiting unit the CD-ROM version is released on 2/19

Will be interested in hearing how you like the CD Bentley.

> I'm taking the car into University VW/Audi to have the airbag sensor recall
> taken care of there. Is there anything else that I should have them look at
> that only a dealer would be the appropriate place to have checked?

UVA did all of my work when I lived in SeaWA.  I thought they did a good job.  With your VIN, they ought to be able to pull your car up on their system and ID any work that was done by Audi dealers.  Given that, you might have them give the car a once over so you can establish a maint schedule.

> I need to get a bra to protect the front end of the car from all the
> sand/gravel on the mountain passes. Any recommendations? I've seen the name
> Colgan pop up a few times as a good bra.

Don't know.

Welcome to the one of the world's best autos!

Greg Johnson
'91-200-20V TQ Avant

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