[200q20v] Many, Many Questions from the New Guy
Tomsaudi200 at aol.com
Tomsaudi200 at aol.com
Fri Feb 9 01:36:36 EST 2001
May I first apologize to those who responded to my last post. I had to change
my e-mail account.
Well, I've about a week now to get to know my new toy, and, as can be
expected, there are a couple gremlins.
Most of you know by now about the turbo not hitting full boost, and the
intermittent stalling for no apparent reason. I discovered my car did not
receive the airbag sensor recall, and I am taking to the local dealer, and I
will have him address the problem.
Last weekend I rid the car of the awdul snow tires, went to Sears, where they
put on Pirelli P8000's. I am absolutely amazed at how much noise they
generate. Is this because they are new tires? Will it go away? I called Sears
back and complained, and they told me to give it a couple of weeks. They said
if I was still not satisfied, I could exchange them for a set of Michelin's
(albeit more expensive than the Pirelli's). I checked to make sure the tires,
which are uni-directional, were put on right, and they were. But the road
noise is really getting to me.
Next, a member asked me of this before, and it wasn't happening at the time,
but now my speakers "pop" intermittently. I plan on telling my dealer about
this, is there a TSB about this problem?
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