[200q20v] Can we all have 3 pairs of speakers? Was RE: Front Door Speakers

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Fri Feb 9 11:33:53 EST 2001

At 10:01 AM -0500 2/9/01, Forhan, Thomas wrote:
>How are the rear Bose speakers set up in the sedans? Behind the seat in the
>package tray? Do they have speakers in the rear door panels?
>The Avants -non-Bose, of course- have a woofer (probably 5 1/4) and seperate
>tweeter in the two rear door panels.
>Maybe there was no way to put (larger?) Bose units in the Avant.
>Maybe sedan owners should hit the junkyards for Avant rear door panels, and
>Avant owners should be looking for front door panels from sedans with Bose.
>Then we could all have three pairs of speakers.

IMO the front doorpanel speaker setup in the '91 200 sedan is a 
*major* PIA.  It places a considerable speaker protrusion just where 
it (and its wimpy plastic grill) is likely to get kicked nearly every 
time the driver enters or exits the car. Avant owners should consider 
that aspect before developing  much lust for sedan door panels.


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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