[200q20v] More Stereo-Retrofit Questions....

David Priebe dpriebe at dpriebe.seanet.com
Wed Feb 14 08:28:01 EST 2001

In my Avant there is a small amplifier under the rear seat, on the drivers
side. The previous owner had replaced the head unit and when he did he cut
the connections the this amp. I'm guessing that the amp is just for the rear
door speakers.

Dave Priebe
'91 200tqw

-----Original Message-----
From: Hemberger, Chris <CHemberger at stanadyne.com>
To: '200q20v at audifans.com' <200q20v at audifans.com>
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 5:35 AM
Subject: [200q20v] More Stereo-Retrofit Questions....

>Does anybody know the configuration of the rear door speakers (separate
>woofer/tweeter) on the Avant?  I have yet to pull the door panels to
>investigate & I am in the process of installing an aftermarket head-unit
>which will not be compatible with the amplified door speakers, or so I'm
>told. I am interested in the possibility of by-passing the 'built-in'
>and making use of the speakers only, if possible.  Is there one amp which
>drives both L&R speakers (and where is it located..) or are there separate
>amps attached to the speakers themselves; I have checked the Bentley and
>ETKA parts CD with no luck...  What's involved in removing the panels? Any
>threaded fasteners or just push-pins?  Any help/suggestions would be
>Chris Hemberger
>91 200 20v Avant
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at audifans.com

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