[200q20v] mercredes info for listees

Tiberius Gaius c123666 at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 15 11:21:15 EST 2001

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bill Wood 
To: Tiberius Gaius 
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:21 PM
Subject: RE: 300d

I cannot answer you question on the exhaust. You might ask this in Performance Paddock.
As far as Sportline is concerned, you could install everything but the shocks. I doubt is would make that much difference but, I do not know for sure.

Mercedes no longer prints service manuals. Everything is on CD ROM now. Your car is a W124 chassis so you need the W124 CD-ROM. We have them in the PartsShop Lobby.

Bill Wood

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Tiberius Gaius [mailto:c123666 at earthlink.net]
  Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:15 PM
  To: parts_info at mercedesshop.com
  Subject: 300d

  Is there anyone that makes a less restrictive exhaust system for my 1987 300D?  Intake system?  This car is stock other than the stereo.  I am thinking about the sportline suspension upgrade but don't want to buy new shocks as I just put new standard bilsteins on the car; will they work with the sportline components or must the sport shocks be installed?

  What about manuals; I have Bentley manuals for my Audi but what about benz?



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