[200q20v] Re: 200q20v digest, Vol 1 #239 - 7 msgs

WJFerdon at aol.com WJFerdon at aol.com
Sat Feb 17 11:10:27 EST 2001

 UFO pads
 Remsa made in Spain, with the slot for the wear sensor.
 Their part # is 69828. I had a set on my car, but about 15k miles, really 
hard. miles.
Spent a day  ripping up the North Course (very, very, hard on brakes that 
North Course)
at Pocono. At day's end these $24 Remsa pads were shot. The rotors seem to 
like whatever compound is on these pads,until Pocono I always had a good 
pedal, very linear, not too much dust. Once in a while they would squeel 
abit, but what the hey,$24. 

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