[200q20v] UUC Drive shaft bracket, re: Audiworld

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Mon Feb 19 10:58:55 EST 2001

Hi Brett,

Please enlighten me on the specific details of the problem that the subject
bracket is proported to solve.  I just read the write up with pictures on
the Audiworld web site, and still can not comprehend what this thing is
doing, or is suposed to do.


> From: Brett Dikeman <brett at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net>
> Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 12:06:31 -0500 (EST)
> To: WARATAP at aol.com
> Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [200q20v] Tranny Replacement
> Incidentally, I just happened by Audiworld saturday.  They've got a
> technical article on installing a driveshaft bracket of some kind that
> braces the driveshaft and keeps it from flying around; apparently, we're
> not the only ones who have problems with excessive drivetrain play, S4
> guys have it too.
> The most interesting part: "it bolts up to the mounts, where,
> surprisingly, there were already holes in place."  Which leads me to
> believe that UUC didn't come up with the part, they saw it on an Audi
> Sport car and copied it.
> Question is, could someone devise something like this for our cars, or is
> it pointless because our drivetrain play comes from a different source?  I
> suppose I could shoot the guys at UUC an email.  They probably remember me
> from the NE aftermarket event(more, more accurately, my car's unusual
> exhaust note.)
> Brett
> PS:lotsa new listers...or just lots of lurkers coming out of the
> woodwork?  In any case, glad to see you guys.  BTW, we're fast approaching
> the list's 3(?) year anniversary...
> On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 WARATAP at aol.com
> wrote:
>> In a message dated 2/19/2001 12:34:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>> pjrose at frontiernet.net writes:
>>> My tranny has started making a
>>> faint scraping "gear noise" but _only_ while  coasting off-throttle
>>> (engine braking).  I wouldn't call it "whining". More like the kind
>>> of sound  the brake dust shield makes when it's lightly scraped by
>>> the rotor.
>>> It's I who's whining. I'd like my tranny noise to stop.  :-(
>>> Phil
>> Phil-
>> I also have this scraping noise, usually off throttle or coasting and only in
>> 3rd and 5th gears.  It bugs the @#$% out of me sometimes.
>> Ingo
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