[200q20v] Overheating issues
Phil & Judy Rose
pjrose at frontiernet.net
Tue Feb 20 10:23:08 EST 2001
At 2:14 PM -0500 2/20/01, digital leopard wrote:
>Ok, I am frustrated and need some help. Got the car back last week,
>and yesterday got the overheating alarm driving home. Looked out
>the back, and sure enough, blowing steam. Not a big deal, the upper
>radiator hose blew off again. Got it home, let it cool, added
>coolant. Now, get up today, and the overheat alarm goes off almost
>as soon as I start it up. No forseeable reason. Turned it off
>after making sure that the coolant is in the system. Goes off
>again, even though the actual temperature is ok. Eventually it
>turns off, but on the drive there, the temperature slowly gets over
>the normal mark and it goes off again. Evidently the fan is not
>Any suggestions? I mean, I love the car, I don't want to get rid of
>it; but I have to have a reliable car; if I get a call from work, I
>HAVE to get there. If the car is overheating during the drive, it's
>going to overheat. So;
>Does anyone have any suggestions about the fan? I'm going to check
>the fuses when I get home, but that's the extent of my electrical
>skills. Anyone seen any problems with fans simply not working
>before? Has the heat killed it? And;
>Is there anyone here in the Denver/Boulder area who wants to try and
>help with this? As I said, I don't have the requisite skills for
>the electrical skills; I will be glad to provide (semi-unskilled)
>assistance, parts, lunch, etc. as needed. But I can't get the car
>into the only good dealership in the area (Stammler) in less than
>six weeks, and the car would be a low priority for them anyway. So,
>I need to go (network alarm) but can anyone help? Thandks-
>Ron Merrell.
Did your (overheated) drive to work involve much stop 'n go, or very
low-speed driving? If not, the radiator fan shouldn't be an issue
(while driving) at this time of year--esp. in Colorado unless lots of
steep uphill grades. The _big_ fan fuse to look at is the "fusible
link" that's mounted in a special holder on the side of the inside
fender--just aft of the fan. This link (fuse) is held by two large
screws in a small black plastic "box" (normally has a lid). If the
link isn't melted (fused), then it's probably OK unless there's
corrosion under the screws. Fan _should_ go on if the car sits idle
for a few minutes. If blown, the link can be replaced for about $1
(even from Audi dealer).
And, as Chris mentioned--you may merely need to work some air out of
the coolant system to get it properly refilled.
* Phil & Judy Rose Rochester, NY *
* mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net *
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