[200q20v] Overheating issues
C1J1Miller at aol.com
C1J1Miller at aol.com
Tue Feb 20 11:40:16 EST 2001
He said, the overheat alarm goes off almost as soon as it starts up, and the coolant level is OK.
I agree, sounds like the fan doesn't come on, and causes the "overheat" when running for a length of time, but think he's also got low coolant or trapped air in the system.
I've recommended in the past that everyone swap out the fuse for the fan, as it tends to corrode from the spray off the radiator fan. Less than a buck, and about a 2 minute replacement procedure. Keep the old one as a spare.
In a message dated Tue, 20 Feb 2001 11:31:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, QSHIPQ at aol.com writes:
<< Either your fan is bad, or most likely, the ground fuse has either blown or
is crudded thoroughly. A qkck for the fuse is to make a jumper wire and jump
the fan side to ground, see if the fan fires up. If so, the replacement of
the fan fuse and box is under 20usd. Before fans seize up, they usually make
some pretty ugly noises for weeks before hand.
Scott Justusson
QSHIPQ Performance Tuning
In a message dated 2/20/01 8:16:21 AM Central Standard Time,
digitaleopard at hotmail.com writes:
> Ok, I am frustrated and need some help. Got the car back last week, and
> yesterday got the overheating alarm driving home. Looked out the back,
> sure enough, blowing steam. Not a big deal, the upper radiator hose blew
> off again. Got it home, let it cool, added coolant. Now, get up today,
> the overheat alarm goes off almost as soon as I start it up. No
> reason. Turned it off after making sure that the coolant is in the
> Goes off again, even though the actual temperature is ok. Eventually it
> turns off, but on the drive there, the temperature slowly gets over the
> normal mark and it goes off again. Evidently the fan is not working.
> Any suggestions? I mean, I love the car, I don't want to get rid of it;
> I have to have a reliable car; if I get a call from work, I HAVE to get
> there. If the car is overheating during the drive, it's going to
> So;
> Does anyone have any suggestions about the fan? I'm going to check the
> fuses when I get home, but that's the extent of my electrical skills.
> Anyone seen any problems with fans simply not working before? Has the
> killed it? And;
> Is there anyone here in the Denver/Boulder area who wants to try and help
> with this? As I said, I don't have the requisite skills for the
> skills; I will be glad to provide (semi-unskilled) assistance, parts,
> etc. as needed. But I can't get the car into the only good dealership in
> the area (Stammler) in less than six weeks, and the car would be a low
> priority for them anyway. So, I need to go (network alarm) but can anyone
> help? Thandks-
> Ron Merrell.
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