[200q20v] NE Dinner on Sunday - open invitation

Kevin Phillips kevphill at mediaone.net
Tue Feb 20 20:20:11 EST 2001

I am on these lists, it was my suggestion and here it is:-

Kevin Phillips wrote:
> Kent, have you thought to post to the urq, 20V and V8 lists,
> we might get some ideas for future purchases !!!!!!

I don't know about purchases, but if anyone is also on one of
those lists, please feel free to pass along the info regarding Sunday's
dinner in Framingham. I figure the more the merrier.

The following people have confirmed that they will be attending the Audifans
Dinner this coming Sunday (2/25) at John Harvard's Brew House in Framingham

Ben Kwan
Chris Miller
Chris Ritchie
Josh Wyte
Lee Levitt
Kent McLean
Kevin Phillips
Mark Allen
Nate Stuart
Paul Luevano
Rob Beatty
Ron Wainwright

Total confirmations: 12
Original reservation for: 25"Yes, I'll be there" messages (or questions) to
kentmclean at mindspring.com

Kevin Phillips
Western Massachusetts
1990 200q
1995 900 SET
Cell 413 519 9034

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