[200q20v] seat heater, inside door handle, auxiliary coolant pump

Brett Dikeman brett at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net
Wed Feb 21 00:39:02 EST 2001

At 12:04 AM -0500 2/21/01, Vztante at aol.com wrote:

>Is this readily available, or a tough one to track down?  It may
>have been shared with the V8 and earlier 200s, which I would think would make
>it fairly common.

Yes, the general door panel etc was shared with the earlier 200's and 
100's.  Not sure about the  V8.

>The driver's seat heater is not working.  The seller says that "Maybe
>the connectors are dirty on the switch....." Any experience with seat heater

The seat element itself usually fails.  It's a lot of effort to fix; 
you have to partially remove some of the leather to get at the pad, 
find the break, and re-solder it, then put the leather back.

>It is missing an auxiliary coolant pump.  What is it and should I have it
>replaced before driving the car the 1200 miles back home?

I find this troublesome.  It circulates coolant around the engine 
after it has been shut off if temperatures exceed a certain point. 
The pump is expensive.  Yes, the car is possibly be fine without it; 
it rarely runs, usually only in the summer...but it does need to run 
under those circumstances.  However, we're talking about stock 
200q20v's here...not ones with funky turbo setups and lots of engine 
performance parts(if memory serves?)

>Trip computer is not working.  Is this a big job...worth fixing?

Hmm, not particularly.  It's more of an amusement.  Check that the 
radio display works though(if it's the original radio.)  This is 
incredibly useful and a significant safety feature, at least to me.

Unless you have your heart set on this one(or the price is right), 
it's beginning to sound more and more like a really...weird...car. 
I'd err on the side of caution, or at least try to get a really good 
deal and correct the previous owner's mistakes.

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			http://www.proacttechnologies.com
White Plains, NY 10605
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