[200q20v] Need shop recommendation in Denver

Vztante at aol.com Vztante at aol.com
Fri Feb 23 11:13:18 EST 2001

Hi Matt and all the other nice listers who told me about shops in Denver,

As it turns out, the deal fell apart with the car in Denver.  I found one in 
my hometown of Portland and have come to terms on it. It will be inspected 
tomorrow. I'm very excited about owning a car that is on the one hand 
luxurious, safe and practical, and on the other hand a thrill to drive! It 
makes getting rid of my beloved Miata not so difficult.

Thanks for your feedback,

Mitch Frey
'91 Miata "Torqueless Tailwagger"(selling next week)
'00 A6 2.7t
'91 200tq 20v Lago Blue(buying tomorrow!!!)

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