[200q20v] Hydraulic/PS Pump Help

Forhan, Thomas Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov
Mon Feb 26 15:37:05 EST 2001

That back nut that holds the tensioner assembly in place *is* tough. I
finally used two extensions that ran alongside the block back toward the two
ground nuts, where I placed the ratchet. From there, I was able to get a
straight shot at the nut and decent leverage.

Good luck,

Tom F.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kneale Brownson [mailto:knotnook at traverse.com]
> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 3:25 PM
> To: Hemberger, Chris; '200q20v at audifans.com'
> Subject: Re: [200q20v] Hydraulic/PS Pump Help
> I replaced my 200q20v's hydraulic pump last summer.  It 
> wasn't quite as 
> easily disengaged as the one on my 5Ktq that I'd done the 
> summer before, 
> largely because there's more plumbing on the pump side of the 
> engine in a 
> 20v than with the older turbo engines, but it's doable by a 
> persistent 
> individual of limited mechanical ability.    I think you'll 
> find it easiest 
> if you remove all the hoses, loosen the belt tensioner and 
> take the pump 
> and bracket off the engine.  I  don't believe you can get the 
> pump off the 
> bracket with the bracket on the engine.  I can't remember 
> without digging 
> into it, but I think there a difficult-to-reach bolt into the 
> side of the 
> tensioner assembly that needs to be loosened so you can back off the 
> tensioner bolt visible from looking down at the driver's side of the 
> bracket from above.  I rebuilt the 5K pump using a parts kit 
> from Carlsen 
> that was a bunch of O-rings.  Rebuilding basically means 
> replacing the 
> O-rings that seal the two halves of the pump together and the 
> mushroom-cap 
> tops around the front of the pump.  I was told there was no 
> seal kit for 
> the 200 pump, but when I had it out ready to return as a core for the 
> rebuilt pump I bought, it sure looked exactly like the 5K 
> pump.  I was in a 
> hurry to prepare for a trip or I would have tried to get a 5K 
> pump kit and 
> attempted to use it on the 200's pump.
> At 10:33 AM 02/26/2001 -0500, Hemberger, Chris wrote:
> >Hello Audi colleagues!
> >
> >I have what appears to be a leaking steering pump and am 
> attempting to
> >remove/rebuild and need some help/advise:
> >
> >Any observations on removal?  Job seems easy enough until 
> you dig into it
> >and then seems impossible!  Bentley diagrams a much simpler 
> bracket than
> >what I have.  Mine looks like a cast aluminum pc which covers the
> >forward-most line making it very difficult to remove.  This 
> bracket appears
> >to bolted to the pump body behind the drive pulley making on-vehicle
> >disassembly very difficult.  Am I missing something or are there some
> >'tricks-of-the-trade' I haven't stumbled onto?  Once 
> unbolted, how difficult
> >is it to remove the pulley?  Puller required?  ANY 
> help/guidance/suggestions
> >would be greatly appreciated....
> >
> >Also, anybody know of any reputable independent garages in central
> >Connecticut??  I may just give in and have the work done; 
> timing belt also
> >which I thought I'd do while I have this much apart.  As 
> usual - Thanks.
> >
> >Chris Hemberger
> >Amston, CT
> >91 200 Q, 20V
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