[200q20v] Keiths SECURE radio

Richard E. Berlin, Jr. rberlin at feltonberlin.com
Tue Feb 27 12:18:31 EST 2001

Good to meet you at The Brew House, as well. I have the instructions on
pushing buttons to unlock the radio in my glove box. I'll Email the
instructions to you later this afternoon!

'91 200TQA   x2

-----Original Message-----
From: 200q20v-admin at audifans.com [mailto:200q20v-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of 200q20v-request at audifans.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 12:05 PM
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: 200q20v digest, Vol 1 #263 - 4 msgs

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Today's Topics:

   1. Tinted Avant (Dale McCormack)
   2. Need steps for radio "SAFE" mode (Keith Bedard)
   3. RE: [s-cars] Re: [200q20v] New Owner: 91 AUDI 200 20V Avant (George J.
   4. Re: New Owner: 91 AUDI (e-brake) (Gary Martin)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 10:02:48 -0600
From: Dale McCormack <dale at themccormacks.org>
Organization: Strategic Business Systems, Inc.
To: Nilnocman at cs.com, 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: [200q20v] Tinted Avant

I had my 200 tqw professionally tinted from a local (non-franchise) guy
about a year ago and have been very pleased.  Of the four tints
available I think I got #2 (lightest to darkest) for the
driver/passenger windows and #3 for the balance of the car.  It's the
Pearl White color and the contrast is quite attractive, I think.  No
bubbles or cracking since. I think I remember paying about $235 for

BTW I also had him place a 4" (appx.) "sun visor" strip along the top of
the windshield and it too works great.  Unobtrusive, but very
Planning the same additions on my wife's sedan this spring.

Happy Motoring,


Message: 2
From: Keith Bedard <KBedard at TDPC.COM>
To: "'200q20v at audifans.com'" <200q20v at audifans.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 11:41:01 -0500
Subject: [200q20v] Need steps for radio "SAFE" mode

Hi all,

Saturday I installed my new Euro lights.  These are a must have!  The
difference is unreal.  Big money, but I consider the US lights a safety

At any rate, having my battery disconnected caused the radio to go into the
"SAFE" mode.  I do not have the manual for the radio, and am not sure what
the procedure is for unlocking the "SAFE" code.  I did, however, find
written in the glovebox owner's manual, written in pencil, the 4-digit radio
code.  Could somebody give me the correct procedure?

Keith Bedard
Westminster & Medford, MA
'91 200q20v

Nice seeing a bunch of nice people and nice cars at John Harvard's Brew
House in Framingham Sunday night!  Can't wait for another gathering like
that, but in nicer weather...


Message: 3
From: "George J. Grubr" <George at CONNECTEL-US.COM>
To: "Ian Duff (MediaOne)" <iduff at ma.ultranet.com>,
        "'Peter Schulz'"
	 <peschulz at cisco.com>,
        "'Martin, Gary G'" <MartinGG at aetna.com>
Cc: "'200q20v'" <200q20v at audifans.com>,
        "'AUDI S Cars Discussion List'"
	 <s-car-list at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: [200q20v] New Owner: 91 AUDI 200 20V Avant
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 11:51:52 -0500

ha ha, 45 minutes with torch in -26C will teach you not to leave the brake
on in the winter ..... did that on my Scirrocco many years ago with drums on
rear and never did it again ....

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Duff (MediaOne) [mailto:iduff at ma.ultranet.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 16:41
To: 'Peter Schulz'; 'Martin, Gary G'
Cc: '200q20v'; 'AUDI S Cars Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: [200q20v] New Owner: 91 AUDI 200 20V Avant

I regularly exercise the ebrake on both my neuS4tt and my wife's urS6A, to
ensure they don't seize. Well, guess what? We were skiing in Canada last
week with the S6A, and I set the ebrake. Next morning, loaded up the kids,
started down the mountain road from the condo to the lodge, and discovered
the ebrake was frozen. Turned the quattro into a Camaro with bald rear
tires, a high idle, and an automagic transgression. 360-ville. As soon as I
depressed the clutch pedal, the rear wheels locked up. "Wow, honey, this is
fun! Could you keep the screaming down please?" Descending with locked rear
wheels was exciting, too much so to continue. After one 360 concluded, I
went uphill in 1st, turned around, and descended the entire road in 1st.
Never touched the clutch. Thanks to TORSEN, the rear wheels kept turning,
and the heat buildup eventually melted the ebrake. TORSEN or a locker would
have done it, but an open center diff or FWD and I would have been toast.
The ebrake is not seized, it operates normally now, releases fine, so I
think somehow some snow or ice got packed in there and froze it. In any
event, the S6A needs new rear pads and rotors, so I'll have a peek at the
ebrakes then.
-Ian Duff.
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Schulz [mailto:peschulz at cisco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 February, 2001 8:52 AM
To: Martin, Gary G
Cc: '200q20v'; 'AUDI S Cars Discussion List'
Subject: [s-cars] Re: [200q20v] New Owner: 91 AUDI 200 20V Avant


Things to check...and the functioning of the rear parking brake...it appears
that alot of owners don't use them or change fluid regularly, which leads
to corrosion on the e-brake shaft on the rear calipers, which in turn
affects the performance of the rear calipers and the brake bias
adjustment  all-around.

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Message: 4
From: "Gary Martin" <motogo1 at home.com>
To: "Ian Duff \(MediaOne\)" <iduff at ma.ultranet.com>
Cc: <s-car-list at egroups.com>, <200q20v at audifans.com>
Subject:  Re: [200q20v] New Owner: 91 AUDI (e-brake)
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 12:01:58 -0500

Yes, BTDT. I've had problems with the S4 e-brake, right side. I've pulled
out, cleaned and lubed the e-brake shaft, used the e-brake regularly,and yet
this Winter on a very cold morning, it stuck. So now I do the opposite. On
very cold days, I tend not to use it. I really don't enjoy warming my hands
over a glowing red rotor roadside while fumes of burning brake pads waft in
the cold still air!   I'll have to work on it some more. Thanks for the
story. Sounded like FUN.
Gary 94 UrS4  91 200 Avant(soon)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Duff (MediaOne)" <iduff at ma.ultranet.com>
To: "'Peter Schulz'" <peschulz at cisco.com>; "'Martin, Gary G'"
<MartinGG at aetna.com>
Cc: "'200q20v'" <200q20v at audifans.com>; "'AUDI S Cars Discussion List'"
<s-car-list at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: [200q20v] New Owner: 91 AUDI 200 20V Avant

> I regularly exercise the ebrake on both my neuS4tt and my wife's urS6A, to
> ensure they don't seize. Well, guess what? We were skiing in Canada last
> week with the S6A, and I set the ebrake. Next morning, loaded up the kids,
> started down the mountain road from the condo to the lodge, and discovered
> the ebrake was frozen. Turned the quattro into a Camaro with bald rear
> tires, a high idle, and an automagic transgression. 360-ville. As soon as


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