[200q20v] Re: [s-cars] Thermostat: 80C vs 87C

Tom Black gfritz at cgocable.net
Wed Feb 28 11:30:35 EST 2001

I just last week had a 90.5C thermostat installed in my S4. The old one was
completely shot and stuck open, therefore the engine never reached its proper
operating temp. The 90.5C thermostat is German made, fail safe and the engine
heats up fast now, also the interior doesn't take 20km. or more to warm up.
I am very pleased.

Tom Black.

"Martin, Gary G" wrote:

> Okay, I'm going to beat this horse some more.. S4/200 I5 engine. Which
> thermostat, 87C or 80C. I know this has been discussed before. Looking at
> Bently it refers in several places to "bring engine to operating temp of
> 80C" and then in the coolant section states " thermostat opens at 87C and
> closes?? at 102C". Bad wording there, I think they mean it's totally open at
> 102C. I know from prior discussions that S4 seems to  have some 80, some 87.
> Does anybody know for sure which is correct and/or does it make any
> difference?  Your FINAL answer please. :-)
> Gary
> 94S4 (87C)   91 200 TQW(soon) ((80C or less))
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