[200q20v] 3 pin vs. 4 pin multifunction temp sender?

Brett Dikeman brett at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net
Tue Jan 2 21:28:34 EST 2001

At 10:30 AM -0500 1/2/01, Phil Rose wrote:
>At 9:53 AM -0500 1/2/01, Bernie Benz wrote:
>  >Reliability is the only issue.
>Bernie's pithy phrase--in German, of course-- might be more appropriate for
>our Audis than is "Vorsprung durch Technik". :-)

According to Babelfish,

"Zuverlässigkeit ist die einzige Ausgabe"

Hmm,  not quite as elegant sounding.  Then again, babelfish is 
infamous for some really odd translations.

PS: for the curious: "Projection/lead by technique"
Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			http://www.proacttechnologies.com
White Plains, NY 10605
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