[200q20v] Bad Water Pump?

Phil & Judy Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Mon Jan 22 10:30:30 EST 2001

I agree heartily with both Peer and Chris. I also was having a 
"chirping" noise from the front-of-engine about 6 months ago. Feared 
water pump (but only 35 kmiles since timing belt/pump service) so 
suspected just a drive belt.  That's what it was.

If squeal is from drive belt(s), it ought to be possible to effect a 
quick diagnosis: bring the car inside garage (where it's 
warmish--unless you're in mild weather), and carefully use a spray 
bottle of water to mist the belts/pulleys while squeal is evident. If 
it's simply a drive belt, you should hear an immediate change in the 
sound. Might not be easy to cure--longterm--but at least you could 
eliminate a more serious cause.

In any case, do not take risk with over-age TB if you have no 
evidence for service done for over 120 kmiles. What's present 
mileage? You might be about due--even if TB was done at 100K.


At 3:54 PM +0100 1/22/01, Peer Oliver Schmidt wrote:
>If the timing belt has never been done, DO IT NOW! Sorry for shouting
>:-), it was not done on mine, the repair bill was _very_ high.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: 200q20v-admin at audifans.com [mailto:200q20v-admin at audifans.com]On
>Behalf Of Forhan, Thomas
>Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 3:45 PM
>To: 200q20v at audifans.com
>Subject: [200q20v] Bad Water Pump?
>There is a distinct chirping sound coming from the front part of the
>on my 129K 200q20V Avant. Not load enough to hear from inside the car
>the windows up, but very obvious from outside the car with the engine
>idling. I've never had this problem before, but I would suspect a water
>I have service records for the first 100K miles (100-120 are missing),
>no evidence of its ever being replaced. While looking through for the
>pump, I also can find no reference to a timing belt change either.
>Is there anyway to confirm its the water pump?
>I presume if I do the pump I should do the belt at the same time...
>Tom F.
>91 200q20V Avant Panther Black
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*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       * 

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