[200q20v] Where Angels Fear to Tread

Phil & Judy Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Tue Jan 23 17:53:06 EST 2001

At 4:18 PM -0500 1/23/01, Forhan, Thomas wrote:
>After my water pump post, and other problems at hand, looks like I am about
>to take another step forward (deeper) in Audi maintenance. Think I will just
>park it in the garage and drive vanagons until I can get all this stuff
>1) Replacing the throttle potentiometer and cleaning the throttle body
>2) Timing belt and water pump replacement
>3) Replace leaking heater core
>4) Inspect UFO's - pad wear indicator light coming on occassionally, plus
>getting some pulsing.
>A few questions
>1) With the throttle body out, would it be a little easier to replace the
>crankcase breather hose at the same time ? It hasn't collapsed, but it looks
>old and soft.

Yes!  Will be easier. And if it hasn't collapsed--assuming it's 
original--you'll find it will likely crumble to pieces as you remove 
the lower (fat) end. Take care to avoid having bits of rubber drop 
into the crankcase opening (although a few tiny pieces can't hurt 

I'm a timing belt virgin, so can't offer advice there. I share your 
misgivings about Blau, however.
*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       * 

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