[200q20v] UFO pads

Neil Swanson 75377.3445 at compuserve.com
Sun Jul 22 11:40:37 EDT 2001

Been there

For excellent pads get some made by Larry Narcus at Carbotech  in Florida. 
 I send him old pads and he relines them.  Ask for the brown "F" pads, or
he may call them SuperStreet.

They are extremely clean, never squeal and I've even done an event at Lime
Rock on them in the rain.   Cost about $125 and wear very well.

I've also had Hawk Blue UFO pads made.  The only pad I've tried in the UFO
that can stop a 200 on a hot day at the track.  Don't ever try them for
street use though.  Absolute brake lathes when cool.

Carbotecheng.com is the URL I think.  They runs ads in Grass Roots mag


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